26/Dezembro/2011Água divide áreas para moradia, agricultura e esportes em empreendimento de 300 mil m² na Holandahttp://www.piniweb.com.br/construcao/arquitetura/agua-divide-areas-para-moradia-agricultura-e-esportes-em-empreendimento-244230-1.aspArquitetos do escritório português OODA e do espanhol OOIIO se inspiraram na presença de lírios na água para criação do projetoAna Paula Rocha | |||||||||
O escritório português OODA e o espanhol OOIIO divulgaram o projeto de um empreendimento residencial em Leeuwarden, capital da província da Frísia, na Holanda, que concorre à competição internacional de design Europan 11. Inspirado na presença de lírios na água, comuns nessa região, o projeto foi concebido como uma série de plantas aquáticas sobre as quais repousam uma gama diversificada de tipologias de habitação. A água de um rio adjacente divide o empreendimento de 300 mil m² em áreas para moradia, espaços verdes e terrenos agrícolas. Com isso, os arquitetos pretendem criar um local onde a cidade e o meio ambiente natural possam conviver, integrando esportes, agricultura e áreas públicas para os moradores. Além das habitações térreas, o projeto prevê ainda a criação de uma torre de apartamentos de volumes empilhados, com turbinas eólicas integradas. Em outras áreas do empreendimento também será possível fazer a coleta de energia solar e geotérmica, bem como o tratamento da água para reúso dos moradores. A circulação de carros e bicicletas pelo complexo será feita por vias totalmente independentes. Para saber mais sobre o Europan 11 clique aqui. |
1 - Definition
The objective of Europan is to bring to the fore Europe's young architecture and urban design professionals, and to publicise and develop their ideas. Its objective is also to help cities and developers, which have provided sites to find innovative architectural and urban solutions for the transformation of urban locations. Europan 11 is a European federation of national organisations, which manages architectural competitions followed by building or study projects, launched simultaneously by several countries on common theme, objectives and rules. The open competitions are anonymous and public calls for ideas on a European scale.
2 - Candidature
Europan 11 is open to any team of young urban and architectural design professionals (architects, urban planners, landscape designers, engineers). Teams may also include young professionals from other disciplines. All candidates must be under 40 years old on the closing date for submission of entries.
3 - Information
From Monday 28 FEBRUARY 2011, every entrant or team has free access to the European's website www.europan-europe.com, where they can download and print the rules, the themes and the synthetic presentations of the sites of the session, classified according to thematic families.
4 - Participation
Each team registers on the Web site and makes a payment on line of 100 Euros in order to download a complete file of site in English (and possibly in the language of the country of the site). This includes detailed written documents on the city, the site, its context, and the developers' intentions, as well as plans, photographs, and all visual documents necessary for design work. Each supplementary complete site folder will be charged at the rate of 50 Euros per folder.
The objective of Europan is to bring to the fore Europe's young architecture and urban design professionals, and to publicise and develop their ideas. Its objective is also to help cities and developers, which have provided sites to find innovative architectural and urban solutions for the transformation of urban locations. Europan 11 is a European federation of national organisations, which manages architectural competitions followed by building or study projects, launched simultaneously by several countries on common theme, objectives and rules. The open competitions are anonymous and public calls for ideas on a European scale.
2 - Candidature
Europan 11 is open to any team of young urban and architectural design professionals (architects, urban planners, landscape designers, engineers). Teams may also include young professionals from other disciplines. All candidates must be under 40 years old on the closing date for submission of entries.
3 - Information
From Monday 28 FEBRUARY 2011, every entrant or team has free access to the European's website www.europan-europe.com, where they can download and print the rules, the themes and the synthetic presentations of the sites of the session, classified according to thematic families.
4 - Participation
Each team registers on the Web site and makes a payment on line of 100 Euros in order to download a complete file of site in English (and possibly in the language of the country of the site). This includes detailed written documents on the city, the site, its context, and the developers' intentions, as well as plans, photographs, and all visual documents necessary for design work. Each supplementary complete site folder will be charged at the rate of 50 Euros per folder.
5 - Elements to be submitted
The entry is divided in two parts:
One part sent by postal service comprising
. 3 vertical A1 format panels (594 mm x 840 mm)
. a sealed envelope format A4 containing documents revealing the competitors identity
and proving that the proposal meets all the qualification requirements
One part sent by Web (from the"Registration" zone of the website)
. 3 vertical A1 format panels, each one in JPEG 3000 pixels wide
. a document of maximum 7 pages in horizontal A3 format, each page in
JPEG 3000 pixels high
6 - Judging in each country
A national jury, whose composition - 9 personalities and the substitutes - is published on the Website, examines all the projects entered in its country. The jury meets in two distinct sessions. During the first one, it examines the conformity of the projects in relation to the competition theme, and shortlists a maximum of 20% of the projects entered, for the quality of their ideas. During the second session, the jury examines the short-listed projects in terms of their innovative qualities and suitability to the context into which they are inserted. It thus chooses winning and runner-up projects with prizes and possibly gives a mention to complementary projects. A European forum with the members of the juries and the representatives of sites is organized between the two sessions of judging in order to debate of the short-listed projects in relation with the thematic families of sites.
7 - Prizes
The winners and runners-up receive a prize of 12,000 and 6,000 Euros (including tax) respectively.
8 - Communication
The organisers undertake to publicise all prize-winning entries both nationally and throughout Europe by way of exhibitions, meetings and publications with a European catalogue of all the results.
9 - Implementations
Europan guarantees to use all necessary means to incite cities and/or planners of sites to entrust the prize-winning teams with operational follow-through.
10 - European Forum of results
To coincide with the closing of the eleventh Europan session, an event is held in April 2012comprising both an international exhibition of the results, a workshop and debates on the prize-winning entries and their practical feasibility. The winners and runners-up are invited.
5 - Elements to be submitted
The entry is divided in two parts:
One part sent by postal service comprising
. 3 vertical A1 format panels (594 mm x 840 mm)
. a sealed envelope format A4 containing documents revealing the competitors identity
and proving that the proposal meets all the qualification requirements
One part sent by Web (from the"Registration" zone of the website)
. 3 vertical A1 format panels, each one in JPEG 3000 pixels wide
. a document of maximum 7 pages in horizontal A3 format, each page in
JPEG 3000 pixels high
6 - Judging in each country
A national jury, whose composition - 9 personalities and the substitutes - is published on the Website, examines all the projects entered in its country. The jury meets in two distinct sessions. During the first one, it examines the conformity of the projects in relation to the competition theme, and shortlists a maximum of 20% of the projects entered, for the quality of their ideas. During the second session, the jury examines the short-listed projects in terms of their innovative qualities and suitability to the context into which they are inserted. It thus chooses winning and runner-up projects with prizes and possibly gives a mention to complementary projects. A European forum with the members of the juries and the representatives of sites is organized between the two sessions of judging in order to debate of the short-listed projects in relation with the thematic families of sites.
7 - Prizes
The winners and runners-up receive a prize of 12,000 and 6,000 Euros (including tax) respectively.
8 - Communication
The organisers undertake to publicise all prize-winning entries both nationally and throughout Europe by way of exhibitions, meetings and publications with a European catalogue of all the results.
9 - Implementations
Europan guarantees to use all necessary means to incite cities and/or planners of sites to entrust the prize-winning teams with operational follow-through.
10 - European Forum of results
To coincide with the closing of the eleventh Europan session, an event is held in April 2012comprising both an international exhibition of the results, a workshop and debates on the prize-winning entries and their practical feasibility. The winners and runners-up are invited.