quarta-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2013

Parco degli ACQUEDOTTI em Roma

Parco Acquedotti Logo

Il Parco degli Acquedotti fa parte del Parco Regionale Suburbano dell'Appia Antica. Il suo territorio é compreso, per una estensione di circa 240 ettari, tra via Appia e via Tuscolana, ed è delimitato da via Lemonia, via Capannelle, via Appia e via del Quadraro.
Nel suo ambito sono presenti numerosi manufatti di epoca romana, rinascimentale e dell’ottocento. Si annoverano, infatti, sei, degli undici grandi acquedotti costruiti dai romani, ed uno rinascimentale, ed altri edifici di epoche romana e successive, tra cui la villa delle Vignacce, la Tomba dei cento scalini, una cisterna con torretta, varie tombe, il fosso dell’acqua mariana, il casale di Roma Vecchia e la stazione del Ferrovia, Roma-Frascati, di Pio IX. Gli acquedotti sono quelli dell’Anio Vetus, in sotterranea, dell’Acqua Marcia, della Tepula, Iulia, e Felice, sovrapposti, dell’Aqua Claudia ed Anio Novus, anchessi sovrapposti.
L’acquedotto Felice , il nome deriva da Felice Peretti (Papa Sisto V dal 1585 al 1590) , fu da questi fatto costruire nel 1585 utilizzando le arcate dell’acquedotto Marcio. 
In via del Quadraro si possono ammirare le arcate dell’acquedotto Claudio che qui raggiungono la massima altezza (27-28 metri), recenti scavi hanno portato alla luce una serie di strutture comprendenti alcuni monumenti sepolcrali, un edificio identificato come un tempio o mausoleo, un piccolo colombaio, resti del basolato della via Latina  ed un albergo con impianto termale (mansio).
Tutte queste strutture non sono al momento visibili in quanto ricoperte. La villa detta le Vignacce è una delle più grandi ville suburbane di questa zona; databile tra il II e il IV secolo d.C., fu probabilmente costruita da Q. Servilio Pudente, ricco produttore di laterizi del tempo di Adriano (117-138 d.C.), come sembrano dimostrare alcuni “bolli laterizi” e tubi di piombo (fistulae) recanti il suo nome, rinvenuti negli scavi. I resti conservati della villa si riferiscono ad un grande complesso termale e a una cisterna a due piani, alimentata dal vicino Acquedotto Marcio.
Il Casale di Roma Vecchia e la località in cui si trova prendono nome dalla vicina villa dei Sette Bassi in quanto, data la grande estensione delle sue rovine, nel Settecento si riteneva che queste appartenessero ad un’altra città antica simile a Roma. Si tratta di un casale-torre, situato lungo la via Latina, probabilmente  sul luogo di una antica stazione di posta, risalente al XIII secolo. Il casale si trova in posizione strategica, tra gli acquedotti dell’Acqua Claudia e Marcia.
Accanto al Casale di Roma Vecchia corre il fosso dell’Acqua Mariana, detto marrana già nel medioevo. Si tratta di un fosso per gran parte a cielo aperto, realizzato  da Callisto II nel 1122 per riportare l’acqua a Roma degli acquedotti dell’Acqua Tepula e Iulia. Da allora il termine "marrana" indica a Roma tutti i fossi presenti nel suburbio. Accanto al fosso sono i resti di una torre medioevale del XIII secolo, costruita su una cisterna romana.
Più avanti, tra l’acquedotto Claudio e la ferrovia Roma-Cassino, si trova la cosiddetta "tomba dei cento scalini", così chiamata dal numero dei gradini che conducono alla camera sepolcrale; qui, entro alcune nicchie (arcosoli) si trovano dei sarcofagi in marmo  con coperchio a spiovente; alcuni cunicoli sono stati in seguito scavati nella tomba, probabilmente per essere utilizzati come catacombe.

Parc de L'Espanya Industrial

Parc de L'Espanya Industrial

Barcelona's most controversial Park

The Parc de L'Espanya Industrial was designed in 1985 by architect Luis Peña Ganchegui and Francesc Rius. Alluding to the Roman baths it offers the park a lot of greenery next to a small artificial lake from which boat trips are possible.
Greenery and water in the Parc de l'Espanya Industrial
Images: 1 | 2 | 3    Lots of greenery and water in the Parc de l'Espanya Industrial.
The iron "Dragon of St. George" at the northwest corner of the park has been established as the most popular slide with the children. About the park are distributed some various sculptures.

Try to visit the park

The most striking sign of recognition of former factory built parks are the "lighthouses" threaded around the lake.
The park is located on the southern side of the main railway station Sants. Hardly a plant in Barcelona polarizes as much as the Parc de L'Espanya Industrial. Some find the postmodern park cold and with little atmosphere, others find it a successful blend of modern architecture, modern art and place of recreation. Both groups are somehow right.
Despite these controversies which trigger the park, the people like to use it, also because of no alternatives in this area of Barcelona. After reopening after reconstruction works the Parc de l'Espanya Industrial is a wonderful place to wait for your train instead of waiting in the stations lobby.
Here you will find the Parc de L'Espanya Industrial on the map.

Parc Andre Citroen - A Little-Known Green Gem in France

Parc Andre Citroen - A Little-Known Green Gem

By , About.com Guide

This ultramodern park was built on a former industrial site on the left bank and named after the French automobile manufacturer Citroen. A hybrid of styles, including French, Japanese, and English, come together to create a unique contemporary setting. The park features several thematic gardens, including an herbal botanical garden, a garden especially for children, and a resolutely contemporary garden that plays on color and light and fuses water, metal, and greenery. The park's large greenhouse hosts summer exhibits.
Try exploring the Parc Andre Citroen to get a glimpse of Paris' modern face.

The Parc Andre Citroen is a contemporary Paris park worth exploring.
Extintores Real 2082-1462www.realextintores.com.brEquipamentos de Combate á Incêndio Extintores, Hidrantes, Laudos AVCB
The Parc Andre Citroen is a contemporary Paris park worth exploring.
© 2006 Brian Purie. Some rights reserved under the Creative Commons License.
Named after one of France's main automobile manufacturers, the Parc Andre Citroen is a contemporary gem of a park located in southwest Paris, in the area known as Javel. The Parc Andre Citroen and its thematic gardens, unique architecture, and fusion of organic and industrial elements makes a visit here worthwhile and memorable.
Location: Near the Quai Andre Citroen on the Seine, 15th arrondissement
Metro: Javel Andre Citroen or Balard (Line 10, 6)
RER: Javel (Line C)
  • The park's greenhouse (Orangerie) features summer exhibits revolving around plants.
  • Fountains and water lilies around the park provide a note of lightness and grace amid the park's primarily glass and metal architecture.
  • The park's numerous thematic gardens were conceived around color motifs and include a white garden, a "black" botanical garden, and gardens complemented by metals of different colors. Fountains and ramps help create striking perspectives.

Parc de Collserola em Barcelona

Parc Natural de Collserola


Agenda 21
El Consorci del Parc de Collserola com a organisme signant del Compromís Ciutadà per la Sostenibilitat de l’Agenda 21 de Barcelona, va aprovar el seu primer Pla d’acció del 2007-2009 el 28 de novembre de 2006. (pdf)
El Pla d’Acció 2011-2013 (pdf), aprovat el 20 de desembre de 2010, és el recull de les accions pendents del període anterior més les propostes i reptes per la sostenibilitat que han sorgit en aquests anys de treball.
Els Plans d’Acció neixen de la reflexió col•lectiva dels membres de l’organització i són una aposta per l’acció ambiental participativa, estructurada i constant. Al Consorci s’ha constituït un grup de treball permanent amb representants dels diferents Serveis Tècnics amb la finalitat de gestionar i fer el seguiment dels diversos projectes específics:

What it is and where the Collserola Park is located

Collserola Park, with over 8,000 hectares, is a true green island in the middle of one of the most densely populated urban areas on the Mediterranean coastline. 50 % of the population of Catalonia lives less than ten kilometres away from the park, which makes in the largest metropolitan park in the world: 8 times larger than the Bois de Boulogne in Paris, and 22 times larger than Central Park in New York. The valleys of the rivers Llobregat and Besós, together with the plain of Barcelona and the Vallés basin, mark the geographical boundaries of the Collserola massif.
Biogeographically, two worlds come together in the mountain range: the Euro-Siberian and the Mediterranean; this, in conjunction with Man's use of the terrain since prehistoric times, conditions a natural heritage formed by a complex mosaic of landscapes, where we find from forests of Aleppo pines and nut pines, evergreen oaklands, riverside copses, maquis and scrublands, to brush and Savannah grasslands. In the park, over a thousand major plants and around thirty plant communities have been catalogued. This environmental diversity enables the existence of a rich, varied wildlife.
Some 300 species of vertebrates have been cited in the sphere of the park: wild boars, genets, stone martens, badgers, rabbits and squirrels are the most characteristic mammals; bird life is extensively represented: blue tits, whitethroats, treecreepers (Certhia brachydactyla), woodpeckers, bee eaters, doves and also bird of prey, such as the goshawk, sparrow hawk and the common rat catching eagle. The formation of the sierra does not permit permanent water courses to exit, although the presence of many springs, ponds and pools of water encourages a large variety of amphibians and reptiles: salamanders, newts, green tree frogs, the small southern frog, toads, the small spotted toad, the Mediterranean turtle, the giant turtle, the ocellated lizard, snakes...
Since 1987, Collserola has had a "Special Plan for Regulation and Protection of the Natural Environment", which gives it a park statute, in accordance with current city-planning legislation. This plan has the following priority objectives: to maintain the stability of the ecosystems, to conserve the biological diversity, to conserve the cultural and landscape heritage, and to offer new opportunities for leisure and learning.
Since 1988, the Metropolitan Board of Collserola Park has been responsible for the direct management of the park. It is structured as an autonomous body, within the Community of Municipalities of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona. It is comprised of a Board of Directors, in which the nine municipalities forming the park are represented.
A technical team, structured into four services, is in charge of developing and giving continuity to the following lines of work.
1. Management of the Board's environmental and manpower resources, guidance of the implementation of the Special Plan, management of uses and activities.
2. Conservation of the ecosystems, research programs and monitoring of species as risk, fire prevention, control of woodland plagues, reforestation, enhancing the wildlife, surveillance, maintenance and cleaning of the park.
3. Equipping of areas for leisure and nature spotting, restoration of traditional buildings, upkeep of the road network and signposting.
4. Information and promotion of the Park's natural values, environmental education programs targeted at primary and secondary schools in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, attention to voluntary workers and sponsorship programs.
The Park has four installations open to the public, from which all the activities aimed at information, education and promotion of environmental values are coordinated and dynamized.
- The Information Centre: this is the Park's central accommodation centre, offering general information to the visitor, permanent exhibitions, videos and audiovisuals, and suggesting participatory and educational activities.
- Can Coll is an environmental education centre targeted and kindergarten and primary school education. It also offers programs aimed at special education and adults' schools, and environmental teaching and training sessions targeted at future teachers.
- Mas Pins is an environmental education centre which offers activities aimed at secondary school, school-leaving and university students. During weekends and school holidays, the centre accommodates work groups carrying out their own programs.
- The documentation and educational resources Centre, housed in Can Coll, is a service providing information and materials concerned with Collserola Park and environmental education generally.

Parque Amsterdamse Bos na Holanda

Amsterdamse Bos, Amsterdam

Amsterdam Forest, because this is the name in English of the big park just outside Amsterdam, is a marvelous place where you may relax walking, taking a bicycle ride, making a picnic, rowing on a canoe or in winter when it snows, skiing down the slope.
Amsterdamse Bos in early spring
Amsterdamse Bos is a large park – it is comparable in its size to Bois de Boulogne in Paris, the difference being that it is totally artificially created, on unused turf lands and wetlands just out of the city. As some of the trees have now seventy years, Amsterdamse Bos is today a real forest, but because it has been planned and arranged, it has many facilities created for sports and leisure. It has among others, several large water areas – a long artificial rowing lake, several other lakes, a number of swimming pools, some of them small - ideal for children and multiple sports facilities. The big attraction is De Heuvel (The Hill) - an artificial mountain with one slope let free for all kinds of winter sports.

Amsterdamse Bos has been designed under the influence of the English landscape park – seemingly free, giving its visitor open view on landscape with a wide perspective of view. It has been constructed south-west of Amsterdam, between Amsterdam and Amstelveen, on the especially created polder 13 feet (4 meters) below the sea level. First part of the park has been opened in 1937, the whole initial plan completed in 1964. The park has been constantly improved throughout its existence.

Visiting the park
Amsterdamse Bos Visitor's center
You may enter the park from several places, but when you go through the main entry, you will see two big bunker like constructions on both sides of the road. Do not get scared – the right one is a nice, big café with a huge terrace, great to sit in the summer. The left building is a visitors centre, with a reception and a souvenirs shop and a small permanent exhibit about the park history (in Dutch, free entry; open everyday 12 a.m. – 5 p.m.). 
You will have a big choice of activities, but in Amsterdamse Bos which is a combination of the wild natural area (a new part called Schinkelbos), traditional park and many permanent sports facilities, this choice is wider than in any other park.

Walking and running
You may walk in the Bos as in any other park, also on grass, except for the bushes areas. For the joggers the park has a special trim route with the 14 simple sports facilities as fences, horizontal bars, rings, balance beams for different exercises.

Amsterdamse Bos cafe
Amsterdamse Bos is a perfect picnic area. While an open fire is forbidden, a barbecue grill is allowed, provided it is placed on the stand higher that 50cm and not in the direct contact with the area of trees or bushes (at least 5 meters distance). You may not enter the park lanes with your car, but in exceptional situations (like having a lot of picnic equipment to transport for a big party), you may ask for a special permission at the visitors centre. Without this permit, you should stay on one of the main roads leading through the park (free parking on many locations).

While it is forbidden to camp in the forest, located at the Bosrandweg Camping Amsterdam is open the whole year. It has also some bungalows for rent. (telephone: 020 641 68 68; it also has good sanitary facilities, a shop, a restaurant and a café). 
Biking There is a bicycle rental, just after you have crossed the tram rails at the main entry to the Bos, in the small white kiosk on your right. It is open only in summer. Many small roads in the Bos have a hard surface – they are perfect for biking. You my also train your mountain bike skills on small terrain roads.

Horse riding
Two riding schools (Dutch: Manege) are located in the park, on both ends of Nieuw Kalfjeslaan: Manege Nieuw Amsterdam (telephone: 020 643 24 68; website: www.nieuwamsterdam.nl) and De Amsterdamse Manege (telephone: 020 643 13 42; website: www.amsterdamse-manege.com). At both stables, you may hire a horse for a pleasure riding in the park, under the condition that you are a good rider.

You may spend a great day rowing along the canals amid the forests, or on an open space on one of the lakes. To rent a canoe or a pedal boat you should go to the Grote Vijver lake.(Open April 1 – October 1, all days of the week, from 10.30 a.m. until 7.30 p.m. telephone:020 645 78 31; website: www.kanoverhuur-adam.nl). Please note that painted in different colors poles at the water, indicate your way through the canals in the Bos.

Open Air Theater
Amsterdamse Bos Open Air Theater
In summer of 1985, a group of actors and theater makers created an open-air theater in Amsterdamse Bos. The shows are held mainly in the summer, and they are very popular. There is nothing better for a theater lover than to see Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream in a theater in the middle of the forest, with hundreds of other spectators. We advise to take with you a blanket, a bottle of wine and a bite of food – Shakespeare’s play may be long especially when the full text is staged, while it might be cold at night. (1700 seats, tickets € 5,- on Tuesday and Wednesday; € 10,- on other days; more information from 6 p.m. on the day of the show - telephone:020 643 32 86; for the show titles, dates and the location - check their website: www.bostheater.nl)

Naturists Area
There is a special area in Amsterdamse Bos set apart for the sunbathing without any clothes on. It has been located on the covered by tree grass land called Zonneweide located not far from De Amstelveense Poel lake.

Cheese farms
There are two farms in the park: Boerderij Meerzicht is today more a popular pancake restaurant serving also soup and sandwiches, but it keeps some animals for the fun of children visitors. Drive along the rowing lake Bosbaan and park your car behind it. Walk through the park following the signs. (open March - October; 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. each day except Monday; in winter open only during the weekend; play ground for children, telephone:020 679 27 44; website: www.boerderijmeerzicht.nl).

Geitenboerderij "De Ridammerhoeve" is an authentic cheese farm. It is located in the middle of the Bos. You may visit it, drink milk, eat a sandwich.(telephone: 020 645 50 34; free entry, closed on Tuesdays and in winter on Mondays; website: www.geitenboerderij.nl).

Historical tram
De Electrische Museumtramlijn – the old electric tram line between Harlemmermeestation in Amsterdam and Amstelveen/Bovenkerk is serviced by the historical trams. Great atmosphere, good attraction for children. The tram has several stops – one is at the main entry to the Bos. (from the Ist Eastern Day until the end of October, only on Sundays, telephone:0900 423 11 00; website: www.museumtram.nl)

Low flying planes
If you like to observe low flying jumbo jets, take a walk from the visitors centre along the wide alley into the park. Each minute you will see low flying huge planes from the nearby Amsterdam Schiphol airport, one of the biggest in Europe. They do not make much noise as they have to fly very slowly and the view is great.

It is typical of the Dutch, that even in the moments of leisure they tend not to forget about those who had suffered. If you go along the left bank of the rowing lake (Bosbaan) or drive you car up to the first small car park also on the same side, you will be able to see there a small but impressive Dachaumonument – the Monument of the Dachau Concentration Camp memorizing victims of the German death camps during the World War II. The monument lists names of the places where millions of people were deported by the Nazis and murdered.

Special events
Each year a number of special events is organized in the Bos. For more information, please inquire at the Visitors Center – Bezoekerscentrum “De Mol” telephone:020 545 61 00, at the main entry left building, Bosbaanweg 5, Amstelveen; open everyday 12 a.m. – 5 p.m.).
Do not cross fences around the Schinkelbos. Scottish Highlander cows, which are fed there, are not aggressive, but respect their peace.

How to get there:
- By bicycle: De Amsterdamse Bos is less than 4km from Amsterdam. There are convenient bicycle lanes created on both sides of the road. You should go there via Amstelveenseweg, in the southwest of the city and on the first big crossing in Amstelveen turn right to the park.
- By bus: from the Central Station lines 170 and 172, from the RAI station – lines 66 and 199. 
- By car: Driving from Amsterdam take southwest to the Amstelveenseweg. Drive away from the city. From the ring exit the ring A10 at S103 and turn left into the Amstelveenseweg. After about 2 miles, Amstelveenseweg enters the municipality of Amstelveen – then turn right to the park (third crossing from the ring A10). There will be a small blue sign marking the turn. You may park your car on one of the 30 car parks. Parking in the Bos is free.

Bonifatiuspark in Frankfurt

Promenade with skyline view © Grünflächenamt
The new city suburb of Riedberg (project duration from 1997 to 2017) is being developed on 266 hectares of land. This includes 78 hectares of designated building land and 94 hectares of parks, green spaces and ­integrated landscaped areas. This weighting alone is indicative of the importance given to green public areas when this city suburb was planned.
In Bonifatiuspark the planners had to deal with a 20 metre height difference. A 755 metre promenade extends round the steep slope, which is retained by a 4.70 metre high wall made of limestone and sandstone. It offers a good view of the city.
Some of the surface water collected on the new estate is channelled through the park. This has a considerable influence on the topography of the entire site. A striking flight of steps deals with the height difference of up to 20 metres between the lower and upper parts of the district.

Parc Bois de Boulogne em Paris

Bois de Boulogne

The western counterpart of the Bois de Vincennes, the Bois de Boulogne is a vast expanse of green on Paris' west outskirts. Originally the site of royal hunting grounds and a monastery, the Bois de Boulogne has been thoroughly adopted by today's Parisians as an essential place to breathe and play.
Another romantic-style park, the tamed wood offers visitors waterfalls, bluffs, lakes, and breathtaking walks among oaks, cherry trees, and countless other varieties. The park is also known for its devoted cyclists, its enormous children's garden, and its seedy night scene--incidentally, stay away from the park at night.

By , About.com Guide

The Bois de Boulogne west of Paris houses many varieties of trees, including the weeping willow.
Paris for the Wine Loverwww.o-chateau.com"Paris Best Wine Bar", Classes Day Trips to Champagne
The Bois de Boulogne west of Paris houses many varieties of trees, including the weeping willow.
© 2006 Bdesveaux. Some rights reserved under the Creative Commons License.
Like its counterpart east of Paris (the Bois de Vincennes), the Bois de Boulogne just west of the city is a place where Parisians go to breathe and enjoy spacious green surroundings. A historic spot which French nobility once used as hunting grounds and that inspired great painters like Van Gogh or Monet, the Bois de Boulogne is a lyrical expanse of greenery and calm where picnics, bike rides, boating, and even fishing can make you feel like you're far away from the urban blight.
One word of warning: prostitution rings thrive around the Bois de Boulogne after dark. Avoid the area at these times.
Location: Main entrances near Porte Maillot, Avenue Foch, and Porte d'Auteil in west Paris.

Metro: Porte Maillot, Les Sablons, Porte Dauphine, Porte d'Auteil (Line 1, 2, 10)
RER: Porte Maillot (Line C)

Nearby Sights and Attractions:
  • Two lakes stretch along the east end of the park near Porte Dauphine, offering romantic views of waterfalls, majestic trees, and islands. Boats can be rented around both lakes.

  • At the center of the park, near the racing club, is the Pre-Catalan, a historic garden that features an open-air Shakespeare theater (shows in French and occasionally in English) and a legendary purple beech tree.

  • The Jardin D'Acclimation at the north end of the park will keep the kids busy and content and features a zoo, boat rides, miniature golf, and more.

Bois de Boulogne

Visit Bois de Boulogne in Paris

With its lakes, pedestrian, bicycle trails, attractions and restaurants, Bois de Boulogne is a welcome 865 hectare oasis on the affluent west side of Paris.
Go to Bois de Boulogne by metro, car or Velib bicycle. Locate Bois de Boulogne on Paris map.
Paris metro: Porte Dauphine on line 2 and Porte d'Auteuil on line 10.
Bois de Boulogne in Paris
Bois de Boulogne in Paris

Bois de Boulogne top attractions

Jardin d'acclimatation: amusement park for children
Roland Garros: famous tennis courts
Longchamp: famous horse racecourse
Parc des Princes: PSG soccer team stadium
Bagatelle: lovely gardens
Pre Catelan: famous restaurant
Grande Cascade: famous restaurant
Bois de Boulogne lakes: lovely lakes, canoes, Chalet des Isles restaurant on island.

Bois de Boulogne history

Bois de Boulogne was commissioned by FrenchEmperor Napoleon III, the nephew of the greatNapoleon, in the second part of the 19th century.
The designer of Bois de Boulogne, Baron Haussman, admired the beautiful London parks, such as Hyde Park and Regent Park. He created Bois de Boulogne and Bois de Vincennes in Paris on the same model.
Roland Garros in Bois de Boulogne
Roland Garros in Bois de Boulogne
Bagatelle in Bois de Boulogne, Paris
Bagatelle in Bois de Boulogne, Par

Prix Arc de Triomphe in Bois de Boulogne
Roland Garros  Stadium in Bois de Boulogne
Roland Garros Stadium in Bois de Boulogne

Bois de Boulogne: algumas sugestões de passeios

Este bosque é a grande área de lazer dos parisienses. O Bois de Boulogne possui dois hipódromos, 28 km de pistas para cavalgar, 15 km de itinerários para bicicletas, um circuito de 2.500 metros para os amadores de jogging, um grande lago para os apreciadores de barcos a remo.
Ele engloba o parque Bagatelle, o jardim Acclimatation e o jardim Serres d’Auteuil.
Fabiana Maruno mora em Paris e me enviou fotos do seu domingo no Bois. No programa, passeios de barco e de poney com a filha de 3 anos.
O passeio de barco custa 10 euros a hora. As pessoas devem deixar uma caução de 50 euros ou 20 euros + carteira de indentidade. Os passeios de poney custam 12 euros a hora.
Aqui fica uma sugestão de passeio fora dos circuitos habituais dos turistas. O Bois de Boulogne é bonito, bem frequentado e estes dois passeios indicados ficam na região do lago inferior ( lac inférieur ).
Para completar o passeio de Fabiana, eu sugiro um restaurante muito conhecido dos parisienses o Chalet des Îles. Ele se encontra localizado em uma das ilhas do lago inferior.
Passeio romântico, pois vocês podem ir remando até a ilha ou pegar o barco do restaurante. No verão, as mesas externas ficam lotadas. No inverno, o interior do restaurante é extremamente aconchegante. Trata-se de um chalé que Napoleão III construiu, na segunda metado do século XIX, para sua querida Eugênia.
Preço do prato principal em torno de 25 euros.
Cliquem aqui para maiores informações sobre o restaurante.
Clicando aqui vocês podem ver um mapa em pdf do Bois de Boulogne.
As três primeiras fotos são de Fabiana Maruno.